The closest grocery store to me is actually only a block away, so this one pretty easy for me. Also, there's a very large store not more than half a mile a way, and it's actually walkable, in that all the streets have crosswalks and crossing lights. No darting across multiple lanes of traffic with bags of groceries!
Can you walk to get your groceries today? Tell us how you did it. If it's too far, let us know that too.
Let your Spirit, O Lord, come into the midst of us to wash us with the pure water of repentance, and prepare us to be always a living sacrifice to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
I am very fortunate in where I live: a good selection of shops in easy walking distance and excellent public transport links to the city centre - although I often walk there too.
My problem is work. I have to drive. Even so, it bothers me and I look at the other cars on the motorway and they nearly all have one occupant like me.
I'd love to change jobs to work closer to home. Perhaps that should be my aspiration.
We're really lucky to have a grocery nearby. It's an easy walk and also right on the bus line. (I often walk over and then bus back so I don't have to lug heavy bags on foot.) A big Farmers Market sets sets up down the street in spring and summer, the Whole Foods is a 15-min walk (or 5-min bus ride) away. If I owned a car I'm sure I'd be tempted to use it, but overall I'm just very pleased to live in a walkable neighborhood in such a public-transit friendly city.
DP and Jen,
Glad you can walk to the store. I've never been much of a car sort of person myself, and so one of my great joys in moving from the Midwest to New York City was the ability to walk or take public transport to actaully everything.
There are lots of communities in the US where that simply isn't possible. That's a problem from a carbon-footprint perspective.
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