Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Reduced Nativity Story

From the BBC:

Reduced Nativity Competition - Winners

The overall winner of the competition to tell the Nativity Story in under 30 seconds or in less than 90 words was someone the judge Adam Long of the Reduced Shakespeare Company commended for "taking reduction to heart".

The winner was Vandita Chisholm with this reduction:
Baby born in a stable. Lots of visitors...... Who's the daddy? God knows!!
Listen: read by Adam Long

The best runner-up was a submission on CD featuring Debbie Pepper, Randle Hurley, Cameron Pepper, Isaac Woodvine, Sheila Shipley, John Lansley and Tanya Lansley.

My fave:

To be read in the style of a Shipping Forecast on Radio Four
Here is the Nativity Forecast issued at Midnight, Christmas Eve for the next 24 hours and 2000 years.
The general synopsis:- outlook bright with stars appearing soon, moving in an Easterly direction. Visibility good,
light precipitation expected everywhere.
Three Kings:- moving slowly East.
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh: arriving by camel Christmas Day.
Star in Sky: bright, also moving slowly Eastwards.
Shepherds Wake: dawn, cold, dispersing Easterly, following star.
Sheep Wander: safe
Joseph and Mary: tired, hungry, no room.
Stable, Bedding, Manger: safe.
Baby Jesus: arrival soon.

Catch it all here - hilarious, yet often quite right on, too!


tip to On Not Being A Sausage

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