Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday Evening Funnies

Like the Saturday Evening Post, only funnier, and the coiver art isn't nearly as nice....

My friend Jay is a researcher who deals a lot with brain scans - I hope he's never had to deal with anything like this....yuch!

The sad legacy of global warming....

Well, people do pray for lots of different things...now we know what God is really into. Too bad it isn't baseball; my team could sure use some divine intervention!

This one is just a little odd, but somehow appropriate, as I keep finding ladybugs in the Vicarage lately...



Doorman-Priest said...

I wonder what therapeutic model God's counsellor is using?

RFSJ said...

LOL! I wish i knew enough about them to make some witty comment, but alas. Maybe Freud? Is God in love with his mother?


Troglodyteus said...

Lady bugs but no aphids.