Today the Church celebrates the ministries of the co-founders of the church of Rome, St. Peter and St. Paul. Both were martyred in Rome, although neither death is recorded in the New Testament itself. By tradition, Peter is accounted as the first Bishop of Rome, hence its title as the See of Peter. Paul, of course, was instrumental in spreading the Gospel into the Roman Empire. His epistles (letters), some of which scholars know are from his hand and some which almost definitely are not, are the earliest expositions of what the Good News of Jesus meant to the believers only two generations after the Ascension.
Almighty God, whose blessed apostles Peter and Paul glorified you by their martyrdom: Grant that your Church, instructed by their teaching and example, and knit together in unity by your Spirit, may ever stand firm upon the one foundation, which is Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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